Deluge Skids
Deluge skids are packages used to control the flow of water or water/foam solution in fixed fire suppression, cooling or gas containment systems. Deluge systems are an integral part of fixed Fire protection systems from Water Cooling applications, water supply to foam systems and personnel protection.
As part of a fixed fire fighting system the Deluge skid provides the control of the water supply to the system. This can range from on/off control to pressure control. As a critical part of the Firefighting system it is essential the deluge skid is designed to suit the application.
Depending on the project requirements, there are several possible flow control activation solutions including electric, electro-pneumatic and hydraulic on which additional features such as automatic pressure reducing and remote ON-OFF trims can be added.
See the Deluge Skids

Chevron and ABB inspecting on of 4 deluge skids headed to Escravos EGP for LPG gas sphere protection. All equipment manufactured in Houston by Flameout with Angus Series 300 valves.

Deluge Skid on sight for Chevron in Escravos after 15 years of service with no failures.

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