Custom Engineering
Our Customers come to us with their problems because we fix them. We are problem solvers.
Our products and series supply solutions, is one of the many reasons that we were names the “Best kept secret in the oil and gas industry,” by Industrial Fire World Magazine. (Nov-Dec. 2005)
We combine AutoCAD™, Inventor™, and Pipenet™ along with our superb engineering skills, expert product knowledge, and our understanding of the process to bring you the best customer experience. Also, Flameout Design and Fabrication help clients find solutions by supplying them with the prototypes and full manufacturing to meet the needs of your company, guaranteed.
Flameout Design and Fabrication LLC has designs and custom manufactured equipment on offshore rigs, gas processing plants, and production wells throughout the oil patch around the world. We can engineer, draft and provide fabrication prototypes to ensure the products are exactly what you are looking for. We will work around the clock to meet deadlines and offer delivery anywhere in the world to meet the needs of any company.
See the Custom Engineering